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Tips for Hair Care

Eat healthy and consume right proteins Hair health has to do with what’s under the scalp, since it eventually reflects on what’s above! The ‘live’ part of the hair is housed in the follicle, and just like the other organs, derives nutrition from food and the bloodstream. So if you find yourself nutrient-deficient, you’ll find your hair instantly looking lackluster, dull and thin. Protein is the building block of healthy hair, since it holds each strand together! Hair itself is made up of a protein called keratin, tends to be stripped off it with everyday styling, pollution and stress. Increase the protein levels in your diet by consuming a diet rich in dairy – cottage cheese, other unprocessed cheeses, ghee, yogurt – as well as eggs, poultry, legumes, lentils, green beans and limited amounts of soy. Eat and drink healthy. Keep yourself hydrated. The hair shaft comprises of one quarter of water, so drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day. Eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables.
Cleanliness is important –  Our hair are daily exposed to dust, dirt and pollution. Shampoo atleast twice/thrice a week. Washing your hair daily is not recommended as it will deprive your scalp of natural oil which makes hair strong and shiny. Always dilute your shampoo before applying for easy application and rinsing. As the shampoo is thick and have certain amount of chemicals, it may stick to your scalp and would damage hair. Shampoo your hair upside down as the dirt may come out  easily not touching any other body part.
Identify your scalp type before choosing a shampooThere are three types of scalp: dry, normal and oily. If you have any hair problem like hair fall, dandruff,  hair loss, split ends, dull hair etc. then choose two shampoos – one for your scalp type and other for your problem. Take equal quantities of both shampoos, dilute and then apply.  In this way your scalp will be clean according to its type and your hair problem will also be taken care of. Like, if you are using an anti dandruff shampoo, then it is working only on dandruff  and not on your hair.
Never skip using a conditioner - Hair conditioner is a hair care product used to improve the feel, appearance and manageability of hair. Its main purpose is to reduce friction between strands of hair to allow easier brushing or combing, which might otherwise cause damage to the scalp. It should be applied only on hair and not scalp. After shampooing and rinsing, take out maximum water from your scalp and hair and apply the conditioner from hair ends  and upwards, but not on scalp. Keep it for 2-5 minutes , rinse thoroughly. Use conditioner  according to your hair type:

  • For very dry, frizzy, curly, unmanageable hair- use concentrated version of conditioner that is hair mask.
  • For oily hair- use thin conditioner which is not much concentrated.

Dry your hair without causing damageHair are very fragile when wet. So, do not comb when your hair are wet. Press lightly.  Towel dry your hair, that is, by squeezing the water and wrapping the towel  or a t-shirt round your scalp instead of rubbing or shaking your hair, as it can cause damage  . An old  t-shirt can be used as it is more absorbent.

Detangling your hair – Instead of a comb, use a hair brush or a wide-tooth comb. Detangle your hair when they are 50%  to 80% dry, start from the ends and move towards the roots. If you have long hair, divide into sections and then detangle.

Choosing the right hair oilIdentify whether your scalp is dry or oily. Some people think that by oiling, dandruff can reduce. But dandruff is a type of fungus whose diet is oil, so sometimes oiling can increase your dandruff. If you have dandruff, use oils which dandruff fungus does not eat like olive oil or castor oil. If you do not have dandruff, then apply oil according to your scalp.
For oily hair- use light hair oil like sweet almond oil.
For dry hair- use thick oil like olive oil or castor oil.
If you have some type of problem like less hair growth, then you can use this infused oil:
In coconut oil add brahmi (bacopa monnieri), amla( gooseberry), kalonji( nigella) and methi( fenugreek seeds). Boil and strain the oil and can store. In this way your oil becomes fighter oil which fights with your problem.
After oiling hair, keep it for 2 hours and then shampoo.
How to apply hair oil Oil should be slightly warm, so that it can easily penetrate and give nutrition till the root. Apply it on scalp all over, by parting little by little. Massage for 5 to 10 minutes to increase blood circulation. Keep it for 2 hours. Keeping oil  for long hours can lead to hair fall as the passage of root to hair becomes slippery which can cause hair fall. If you have some problem, then only keep it overnight.
Use hair mask - Sometimes your hair just needs a little something extra. Damage from the elements, from styling, from using hair straightening irons, from waiting too long in between trims, these things all add up. A hair mask is a deep conditioning treatment that helps to heal damaged hair. They contain rich ingredients such as natural oils and lipids, in heavier concentrations than normal conditioners.  Even if your hair is normally healthy, the changing of the seasons can be hard on your strands. It helps in improving hair texture.
Simple DIY hair mask:
1 ripe banana, mashed
4 spoon olive oil
2 spoon honey
½ spoon lemon juice ( if dandruff )
Mix all the ingredients well and apply on scalp first by parting and then on hair length. Keep for ½ an hour, rinse and use mild shampoo. Apply it on clean scalp, that is, when cuticles are open.
Use serum for unmanageable hair - . If your hair are unmanageable then can use a serum  on hair ends and move upwards, but do not apply on the scalp. It acts as a preventive measure against dull and damaged hair. It also provides some measure of protection against too much heat and chemical reactions caused by using different styling products, is helpful for dull and tangled hair. Apply very lightly. Take it on hands and rub it first on your hands and apply only on hair ends and not scalp. Or when you detangle your hair apply it on the bristles of the brush. This will create a coating on hair adds shine and make hair silky and smooth.

                                                     Happy living !


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