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Feng Shui- A way to Good Luck| Monica’s Archives

These days we hear everyone talking about Feng Shui and its ease and effectiveness. There is a great philosophy behind this and would need a help of a professional Feng Shui practitioner for your major problems. Here I would like to answer some common questions which we would like to know about Feng Shui.
*      What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is an ancient art and science that was developed in China about 3,000 years ago. The literal meaning of Feng Shui is wind and water which in Chinese culture are associated with good health. Thus, feng shui came to mean good fortune.
*      Is feng shui the only thing that influences a person’s luck?
No, but feng shui correction is the easiest way to enhance our personal luck.

*      What is “Trinity of Luck”?
There are 3 types of luck: (1) Heaven luck, (2) Earth luck, (3) Mankind luck.
Heaven luck is the luck you are born with i.e. the influence of stars and planets on your destiny. This type of luck is very difficult to change.
Mankind luck is the luck that you draw, by really working hard with devotion and dedication i.e. ‘Karma’. This is general assumption that each person would do his best.
Earth luck is the luck that you draw from the places you live and work in. This part is the easiest to correct and can be totally turned in your favor.
*      What is Pa-Kua grid?
The Pa-Kua grid is a grid of 8 life aspirations. There are specific areas in the house corresponding to wealth, career, fame, children, elders, helpful people, knowledge and marriage. But the problem is people don’t know where these areas are located in their house. The 8 life aspirations are located in different compass directions of your house, and this is shown clearly in the diagram.
*      How to enhance a particular area?

Each location on the Pa-Kua of your house has an element attached to it. E.g. the fame area is in south and its element is fire. So, placement of water elements will have bad results as water destroys fire. Placement of plants is good as wood enhances fire. Following figure tells about the color and elements of the 8 directions.
Some tips to create a positive environment:
Ø  Floral paintings enhance the beauty of your home and introduce color and warmth into your lives.
Ø  Picture of sunrise gives positive energy, while picture of sunset symbolizes dying energy.

Ø  Avoid picture of sinking ship, instead hang paintings of ships loaded with goods on a calm sea.
Ø  Stuffed toys or weapons mounted on walls emit negative energy, so avoid their display.
               Feng shui is a vast topic and is not possible to tell in one article. Hope the information given will be of some use.
                                                          Happy Living!


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