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Role of Adults in Children’s Play| Monica's Archives

Play is any activity that the person engages in for the enjoyment it gives. Any activity could be a play when it is voluntary and gives pleasure and the same activity is work when one has to do it out of compulsion. The play has a great influence on the development of a child. Play provides the brain building blocks that will set them up for the rest of their life. Through play, children gather information about the world, master the use of their bodies, learn social skills and pick up every little detail to do with fitting into the culture that surrounds them. Play helps in the physical, intellectual and social-emotional development of all ages. So, we as adults should understand the importance of play in a child’s life. Sometimes the adults get too much involved in the child’s play that they start instructing the child at every step and the play changes to work. Today, let us know some tips on the role of the adult’s in children’s play:
·         Safe playgrounds should be made available to children wherever possible.
·         Adults should understand that play is a part of a child’s world that helps to develop their imagination, communication, and understanding.
·         Do not think the play is a waste of time. Do not allow playtime to any other ‘extracurricular activity’ or tuitions.

·         Make a schedule of your child such that he/she gets leisure time. Children are not machines and they do have the right to spend some time of the day the way they want.
·         Many times, the parents send the child to formal ground activities where there are guided games and physical activities or coaching for a particular game is offered. This might be good for the physical and motor development of the child but do not consider this as playtime because play means activities performed to get enjoyment and need not be always physical in nature.
·         Adults should be watchful when the children are playing as their safety is of prime importance but they should not be overprotective.

·         Do not interfere in children’s play. Let the children sort out their own issues while playing. Many times, parents intervene to sort out the quarrels between children. Children are learning to sort out issues, defend themselves, prove their points, and listen to someone while playing and this is an important part of their social development. So, adults should not interfere unless they are hurting each other physically.
·         Occasionally play with children. It conveys your attitude towards play.
·         Play is all about learning and development of a person who is doing the playing, the experience is a personal thing. You cannot explore or gather information for your child’s growing brain, so allow your child an uninterrupted play.
·         Make various types of play materials available to children and let them select the one which interests them the most.
Child’s choice of play activities, as well as the time spent in playing, is influenced by various factors such as sex of the child, the health of the child, free time available, availability of types of equipment, etc. Play is important for everyone; from young babies to grandparents. Finding time and space to create or discover yourself, or to team up with friends for laughter and games are all important. As we move through developmental stages our play changes along the way, we all have a need to play regardless of our age.
                                                              Happy Living!


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